Saturday, March 19, 2011


Welcome Everyone! I am soo new to blogging it isn't funny lol. Well you may get a laugh or two just because I am new! 
Let me start with saying my name is Ronda Bragg, I am a wife of 16 years this April and we have two children, Jessie (Jessica) age 15 & Tyler age 12 in April.  I am a self taught photographer and haven't been on my journey very long and still MUCH to learn! BUT I hope you enjoy hearing the ups and downs and watching my pictures progress as I learn more of the wonderful art!  I have always loved photography, going back to high school actually.  Wasn't until last year when I finally decided to do something for myself and put my foot down and do something that I love! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a wife and a mother, but as most mothers and wives know you sometimes just need that "other" thing in your life.  Some it could be exercise, crochet, knitting, horse back riding or whatever! Mine is photography.  I have always taken the good with the bad, so please don't ever feel like you can't share constructive criticism with me! How else would I learn? Not to mention you have to keep in mind that an artist does have a view, if I achieved my view I am fine with anything that is said. If I have not I will most def ask for your opinions which I value on my work. 
So....with all that being said and now you know a little more about me, please follow me on my journey and hopefully I can keep this writing thing up lol. I will also add pictures of my work as I have sessions. I found that FB people can get jealous and have you reported and take your work down. So with that said, before you enter anymore into my blogging experience know that from time to time I do post partially nude material and in some cases tastefully nude.  
My specialty for photography is: Boudoir, High school seniors, and Newborns.  A wide range? Why YES! But I LOVE each one of them and you will see that my heart goes into each one! I am not only a natural light photographer as much as I can, I am an on location photog. I like to be outside and don't like doing inside posing! I like capturing the natural moments that happen, that is what makes me SMILE! When I am processing a session and my heart does a little flutter and I get a BIG smile on my face, I know I am doing what I really enjoy not to mention going in the direction that I was aiming for. So follow me and have some fun! 

Oh! And did I mention I am probably about the most positive person you'll ever meet? Not to mention, fun, outgoing....well you get the point! LOL Happy reading everyone!!!